
Monday, February 25, 2013

Coconut Macaroons

Coconut macaroons - These are yummy little treats that my husband likes very much.This was always there in our weekly shopping list till I started making them at home.

They are so easy to make that I am very happy to make them for him on a weekly basis. My daughter never used to eat the store bought ones. But she loves what I make at home and fights with her dad for more of them. What else can make me happier than that :)

Now, for the recipe.


Sweetened coconut flakes - 1 packet (14 Oz)
Condensed milk - 1 can (14 Oz)
Pure vanilla extract - 1 tea spoon
2 large egg whites ( Remove the yolk and use only the egg whites
salt - 1/4 teaspoon

  • Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
  • Take a large bowl and mix coconut, condensed milk and vanilla extract.
  • Take the egg whites in a bowl, add the salt and beat it with an electric mixer until they make medium firm peaks. (See note on medium firm peaks).
    • Fold in the egg whites to the coconut mixture.
    • Take care while folding.Do not overdo it.Just fold only as much as it is needed to mix the egg whites.

Coconut Mixture ready to chill
  • Chill the mixture in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. 
  • Take a small amount of mixture in a small ice-cream scoop and line them in a baking sheet. Make sure to use a wax paper to line the baking sheet. It will be sticky when it comes out of the oven.
  • Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until golden brown. 
  • Cool them in the wax paper for 10 minutes and then remove them and cool them completely on a wire rack. 

You can melt some choco chips in a double boiler or microwave and dip the top or bottom of the macaroons in the chocolate. Keep them for drying in the wax paper lined cookie sheet. Chocolate dipped coconut macroons are very tasty. If you are dipping the top part in chocolate, you can even sprinkle some chopped nuts. But plain coconut macaroons are also equally good.


  • Medium Firm Peak: When you swirl the egg white and keep the whisk straight, it should form a peak which is not fully firm. The peak should be little curved.
  • Though this can be done without chilling, I have seen that the end results are good after chilling them.In fact, once I baked one small batch the next day and it came out perfect and tastier.

Macaroons ready for the oven

Macaroons cooling on the rack

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