
Monday, April 1, 2013

French Toast

French toast drizzled with honey 

Here's a recipe for simple and delicious French toast that can be fairly quick to make. Everyone needs variety when it comes to food, in fact everything in life needs some variety. So instead of repeating the same idli/dosa or cereals/bread toast/juice in the morning, you can try this quick french toast for a delicious variation.


  • Eggs - 2
  • Full milk - 1/2 cup or 3/4 cup if not using cream
  • cream - 1/4 cup ( optional) 
  • salt - a pinch
  • Pure vanilla extract - 1/4 teaspoon ( optional)
  • Bread slices - 6 ( cut diagonally)
  • Butter for toasting
  • Any bread can be used here. Wheat bread / white bread / Multi grain bread etc.

  • Add egg , milk, cream , salt, vanilla extract in a bowl and whisk it well.

  • Take the cut slices one by one and dip it in the egg mixture.
  • Melt 1/4 teaspoon butter in a non-stick skillet and toast the bread slices one by one.
  • Wait till it becomes golden brown on one side and then turn it. It will take 2 to 3 minutes each side.

  • Once it is done, serve it hot or keep it warm in your oven at 200 degrees F till serving .
  • While serving, drizzle with some honey or maple syrup on top or sprinkle powdered sugar on top accompanied with some berries on the side.
  • These also goes well with any kind of jam like strawberry , blueberry , apricot jams/ preserves .
French toast sprinkled with powdered sugar

  • You can add sugar / honey / maple syrup in the egg mixture itself.
  • Use a little old bread for this. Old bread will soak up the egg and milk mixture and not fall apart.

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